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Kim Giberga MSN APRN FNP-C © Paty Araujo Photography

About Kim: I’m Kim Giberga, a licensed board certified Family Nurse Practitioner for 10 years and counting. Most of my career has been in the Emergency Department and Urgent Care. I have had the good fortune to work with amazing providers MD’s, DO’s, APRN’s, PA’s and RN’s who have mentored and continue to mentor me throughout my career.

My Introduction to Supplements: Having had the good fortune to work for a physician some time ago who prescribed natural supplements for viral illnesses and UTI’s. I researched his advice and guess what? It was based on the best medical evidence and proven to be effective! He was telling patients how to get over viral illness faster with fewer complications. Why didn’t I learn this in school? Why isn’t this in the medical guidelines? I’m not sure. But I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with that physician and that this approach to healing struck a chord with me and inspired a passion for helping patients in a way that could add to what I learned in my formal education.

Why I’m writing these articles: I am so appreciative that I have been able to help all the patients and providers I’ve advised since that time.
I’m now at a place in my career and life where I would like to give back. As a former educator, I still teach by providing continuing education to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (this umbrella term includes Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists). I lecture on Ethics and Jurisprudence for NP’s in Texas, End of Life Issues, Geriatric Pharmacology, Pharmacology, Safe Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Increasing Patient Satisfaction, Marijuana and Medical Indications, and much more! 

My Philosophy: I believe in helping people through prescribing traditional medications but I also believe that vitamins, supplements and minerals are a huge untapped resource to help patients both fight off and prevent illness. I do always believe in a conservative approach and in weighing the risk vs. benefit of everything we prescribe or advise patients. I truly care about my colleagues and my patients and everyone else’s patients too!

Who is this For? This website/blog is to help providers, patients, and regular people who want to learn what the evidence does say about the best practice for the use of vitamins, minerals and supplements. Anyone who wants to maximize their own health.

At Home: Personally, I am blessed to have an amazing family and extended family. I have two teenagers at home who do their best to keep me humble, a loving and supportive husband, and a couple of rescue dogs and a cat. They fill my home with warmth and love and we all take care of each other. Hubby and I are home winemakers and try really hard to grow heirloom tomatoes -usually we are no match for Texas weather and pests sadly enough. 

I hope you find whatever you were looking for here. Please subscribe because you never know when a topic might be helpful to you! 
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