What helps the common cold?
Which supplements or vitamins can actually help cure Upper Respiratory Infections (URI’s AKA the common cold) sooner?
Well, we know most URI’s are viral. Antibiotics will not help viral infections. There are ways to help Viral upper respiratory infections (including the flu) resolve faster and to prevent them from becoming Pneumonia. Tell me more!!! Ok here goes….Medical research has proven several supplements that do help!! Here are the top few common vitamins and supplements for the common cold:

Vitamin D for the Common Cold

If you know me you know I have a bias towards Vitamin D. My Master’s capstone research paper was on Vitamin D and its benefits. Much more has been discovered since then. But we’ll save that for another day. Vitamin D supplementation can help resolve URI’s faster than any other Vitamin or supplement, it also helps prevent URI’s from becoming pneumonia. Pneumonia and flu are the 7th leading cause of death in our country. So this can help prevent death! Vitamin D has shown to reduce the length of URI by about 28% if taken at the onset of symptoms. So it can save your sick time at work too!

Vitamin C for the Common Cold

Mom was right drink your OJ. Take Vitamin C at the onset of an Upper Respiratory Virus. Only 1000mg Vitamin C a day has been shown to decrease length of symptoms by about 22%. It also helps decrease absenteeism during illness.

Echinacea for URI’s

Echinacea supplements have demonstrated to reduce cold symptoms and can help prevent viral illnesses.

Zinc for URI’s

Zinc has also been found to be effective preventing URI’s

Probiotics for Preventing URI’s

I love, love, love probiotics. Like Vitamin D, I suspect we’ve only scratched the surface looking at how probiotics can help us. Research is being done on the many ways we think probiotics can help. For instance, they reduce incidence of URI’s by 47% and decrease duration of infection by 1.89 days on average.

Stay healthy!

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#Natural Remedies for the Common Cold #Natural Remedies for Upper Respiratory Infections #Vitamin D for the Common Cold # Supplements for the Common Cold #Curing the Common Cold # Curing Upper Respiratory Infections #Does Vitamin C help Colds #Do Probiotics help colds #Does since help colds #Medical Evidence to cure the common cold

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